Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Summer 2011 Happenings

Well it's been awhile! I am betting that all of my posts will be sporadic.  One thing thats really been holding me back (other than being busy), is that I never take pictures.  Blogs are boring without pictures, so its been a goal of mine to start taking pictures.  But have I yet? Nope. Its really hard to become a picture taker and I don't want to take pictures just for the blog.  I don't think I'm that good of a blogger. Still working on it. 

We have been doing lots of fun stuff this summer, despite the lack of evidence.  No vacations other than long weekends, but we have been making the most of every long weekend we get.  We went to Echo lake with Dallin's family, two trips to Edmonton and hung out with all of our dear friends and family that live there, hit up Calgary Stampede, and visited Vernon BC for a mini Rowe reunion for a weekend too! We have had the best luck with weather, I don't think this summer has been especially warm but each trip we go on has been hot and sunny! So lucky! It would be terrible to have no vacation time AND bad weather, so we are grateful for that.  I should let you know that I have not been avoiding the sun either, I have been soaking in as much as I can.  I can already feel the air getting colder at night as fall approaches :(

We have been getting alot of work done this summer during the weeks.  I finished module 6 and wrote the three day exam last week.  I have been keeping a handle on my stress levels as well. The most stressful week to date was the first week of module 6 for some reason.  Not what I had anticipated. But I imagine the most stressful times are ahead of me.  1 month til the UFE! Lots of studying to do until then, so I am making sure I stay focused. Dallin has finished another two classes as of this week, after he finishes up two papers this week. Then he will begin hard core studies for the LSAT until his 6 classes start in fall semester. 

I also have some exciting news to share! I have been pursuing a transfer into the tax group at PwC and got the job as a Senior Associate in Corporate Tax! So happy about it, as I was dreading being a senior in the audit group.  I am excited to learn about corporate tax and to broaden my skill set! So all is good in the career path rigth now, just have to wait for results for module 6 and write the UFE if all is well in that regard.

I have taken a break from running for the time being. I know they say you should keep exercising etc while studying, but I am afraid I won't have the energy and time to keep up with everything if I do.  So if I do run it will be a spur of the moment decision if I really feel like it.  I will get back into it again after the exam.  How fat can I get in one month right? (don't answer that...)

Well thats all for now, time for bed!