Saturday, 5 November 2011

Welcome to our first home!

Ok, its not our first home, but the basement we first lived in doesn't count since there weren't any stairs (except on the descent to our one bedroom teeny tiny basement suite).  Like the good picture taker I am, I do not have pictures of our first, and hopefully last, basement suite home.  BUT after living here for over half a year, I have finally managed to take a nice photo tour of our first (rental) home.

the front room

hallway to kitchen or stairs to go up (already so many more decisions!)

main floor washroom

kitchen and eating area

our little yard

now backtrack to the stairs (see above) and walk up them...guest bedroom at the top!

next bedroom has been turned into an office / get ready nook 
(doesn't everyone like to sit on the floor and get ready in the morning?)

upstairs hallway

main washroom
 (we could easily grow old here, someone has already installed handrails in the shower)

our bedroom 
(highest bed ever! it might be as high as the captain bed I had as a child, though things seemed much larger back then)

dallin's side

my side

the end

honorable mentions:  all the closets we get to utilize in each room, the basement which was too ugly to be captured but allows us to store junk and do our laundry in.

Needless to say, we really like our first home.  We really like the price too, so if you are moving to Calgary and don't mind a drug dealing, loud mouth, african american, obese woman living across the way we can hook you up!